Friday, February 19, 2016

Tomorrow's Republican Primary in South Carolina....

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Tomorrow is Republican primary day in South Carolina.  Nobody here asked me, but if you're looking for my thoughts on how to vote I offer the following......

Read the following from Ace of Spades HQ (here's an excerpt so go read the whole thing here) ;

Let It Burn: The conservative choice [Weirddave]

—Open Blogger

Anger. You're angry.

I get that, because I'm frickin furious. I mean, I-better-not-have-a-drink-to-calm-down-because-I-might-never-stop-drinking livid. The damage done to our country in the past two decades but really in the past seven years is mind numbing. Not only has TFG thumbed his nose at the founding principles of this nation while doing an in-your-face touchdown dance at conservatives, but “our” party, the Grand Old Pussies, have continually rolled over before him while begging for scraps of his magnificence for their table.

We've done our part as citizens. We gave the GOP a majority in the House in 2010 so they could stop him, and when that wasn't enough, we added the Senate in 2014. We've donated, politicked, canvassed and phone banked. We have made ourselves perfectly clear, chasing the dayglo Speaker of the House from his perch and electing patriots like Dave Brat in Virginia.

And what has the response been? Disdain. Scorn. Anger. How dare we question our betters? From colluding with Democrats to prop up the brittle bones of the senile Thad Cochran in Mississippi, to passing the cromnibuss pork spending bill after Boo Hoo Boehner resigned to the repeated attempts, such as the Rubio/Schumer Gang of 8 bill, to shove nation-killing amnesty down our throats, we have been ignored, insulted and reviled. Even today the DC establishment is pulling out all the stops to get Rubio elected so that they can serve their Chamber of Commerce masters.

Enough. If these people have forgotten that they work for us and are determined not to remember, then it is up to us to forcefully remind them.



That decision, it's easy. What's not so easy is, as Ghostbusters might put it, is choosing the form of the destructor.
Let's survey the field. Kasich is a joke, a big government Republican pining for the days of Nelson Rockefeller. Ben Carson is a decent man who has been seduced into being a never ending, multimillion dollar bot compiling an email list for future fund-raising efforts. Jeb Bush is the last gasp of the Bush dynasty, running 10 years too late and Marco Rubio is the slickly packaged Madison Avenue pretty boy, America's last, best chance for amnesty. If Mexico is your vision of America's future, then Marco is your guy.

That leaves Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Trump is sheer bravado, 1.21 jigawats of pure testosterone. If you want to stick your thumb in the eye of DC elites, well, Donald will stick his thumb, palm, wrist and forearm right into the skull of the Washington cartel. Balls to the wall, damn-the-torpedos, full speed ahead American arrogance, that's Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is the slow knife, the knife that takes its time, the knife that waits years without forgetting, that slips quietly between the bones. That's the knife that cuts deepest. He’s the smartest guy in any room, and his great sin is that he’s a class traitor. He went to Princeton and Harvard, checked all of the right boxes on his way up. The DC elite look at Ted Cruz and they see someone who is one of them, except he won’t play ball. He has principles. He takes the promises he made to the electorate seriously He actually seems to believe in that rah rah America crap the rubes in flyover country revere.


FINALLY, here are a couple of  comments from a Redstate commenter that sum it up for me.  I totally agree with these statements:

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      Cruz is the only guy currently running in the top three that when he places his hand on the Bible and swears to "Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America" I will actually believe him.
    And also this:

    Ted Cruz's complete lack of endorsements is; in and of itself, the best endorsement of all, and the only one I need!
    The fact that he has all the right enemies tells me he's just the man for the job.

    (Blog post is here)

    Take some time to be in prayer about your vote and then GO VOTE!!!