Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Media Labels South Carolina a State of Extreme Racists...

The New York Times editorializes about Newt's big victory in South Carolina last Saturday.  According to the editors of "the paper of record" the people of South Carolina have a "...history of acute racial tension..." and that the voters who chose Newt Saturday were  "...sending a singular, extreme message?"   Read the editorial for yourself but it seems to me they really don't like South Carolinians.  

After all, Newt called Obama “the greatest food-stamp president in American history”, an obvious racial slur, and since 40.4% of the people voted for Gingrich we're obviously racist as well.  Racist and contrarian!  Contrarian might fit the good people of this state.  Heck, I think being a bit of a contrarian is a good thing.  I could argue that the opposite of a contrarian might be a mindless robot!  And I suppose there are racists in every state.  But is this a state full of bigots and racists?  

I think we can get to the bottom of this by answering one simple question.  What kind of governor would a state full of racists elect? The answer......

Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley 
Yes, Nikki Haley, second Indian-American governor in U.S. history, currently the youngest governor in America and the first female governor of South Carolina (full bio here).  

Seems like an odd choice for a bunch of racist, backwoods rednecks!  I suppose that's our contrarian side coming out again!

P.S.  It seems that one of the other well-known left leaning media outlets didn't get the memo about the bigoted morons living in South Carolina....

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